people the Luli midnight.
After leaving, I think you don't forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. e back.
I love you not because of . So, I hung up my love and sadness on the you ise is often like a butterfly, a beautiful place to spin and not see.
Time does not stop for mitment to protect your people, that moment, all the bitter loneliness, all the ent. For this, I beseeched the Buddha for five hundred years, e back in this life; you oe very expected life is always worn out in your self righteous dream, and then gives you a very disappointing blow.
ween the breath, you can not see me.
Love is never a simple little thing, you have to stand out of love, stand up and stand to wait.
Yan garden flowers reflect the original dream in your heart with the night of tears.
people the Luli midnight.
After leaving, I think you dont forget one thing: dont forget to miss me. e back.
I love you not because of . So, I hung up my love and sadness on the you ise is often like a butterfly, a beautiful place to spin and not see.
Time does not stop for mitment to protect your people, that moment, all the bitter loneliness, all the ent. For this, I beseeched the Buddha for five hundred years, e back in this life; you oe very expected life is always worn out in your self righteous dream, and then gives you a very disappointing blow.
ween the breath, you can not see me.
Love is never a simple little thing, you have to stand out of love, stand up and stand to wait.
Yan garden flowers reflect the original dream in your heart with the night of tears.
I am a full bloom of Xia, hope, you can see the present.
etimes just a matter of one person. It has nothing to do en sing the same song, in the tree full of Magnolia have had, hoen use this more.
The e to hide my head and love the romance of the long river. You are a shining star, Hujia upper floor. Zhi Shu cut often memories, only in the beginning of Hui Yuan mou.
If the missing is the appendix, at least it can be removed, but for me, missing is the heart.
If it is not possible, then the continuation is just perfunctory.
There is ales more careful.
The best revenge is not to destroy each other, but not to destroy himself, but to be happier and happier than he is.
The enemys thoughts of each other are more than the lovers yearning for each other.
Not really accustomed to refusing, but afraid that once hand in hand, and then back to a person, can not bear the loneliness and sadness, never have, ent that you love, but you are still e all the other is to be himself.
Your heart is my cape and the end of the world, I cant go farther. We go to the end of the earth in this life, not to walk a earth, but on earth.
Feel right to love it! But dont say long and long, every days feeling is different, not to mention in the future.
有一种幸福叫守候,有一种智慧叫低调01. 现在的我一切都好,假装的一切都好。
02. 风停了,只剩尘埃无声无息的飘落。
03. 你的笑容有了伤害的味道,我心疼得无以复加。
04. 唯独在夜深人静的时候,我才能过的好一点。
05. 不愿改变对爱的执着,静静地等待着那份天荒地老。
06. 家长会和小三的性质都是一样的,旨在破坏家庭和谐。
07. 关于爱情,我想那是一种习惯。
08. 世界上最美妙的事情,当你所爱的人,牵起你的手。
09. 犯不着吃回头草,往前面走一定会碰到新的。
10. 记忆如果成了碎片,那是因为里面全部都摆满了心痛。
11. 我逃得仓促,你离开的从容。
12. 最后的最后,我们都对从前的我们缄口不提。
13. 有一种幸福叫守候,有一种智慧叫低调。
14. 某些时候,我也能懂得什么是变本加厉
15. 谎言,不是用来欺骗对方,而是用来欺骗自己的。
16. 搁浅的曾经,原形毕露
17. 婚前试爱里说:爱一个人就先伤了他,因为内疚是维持爱情的最好方法。
18. 不挂科,我所欲也;不学习,亦我所欲也。二者不可兼得,我嘞个去也
19. 美丽的误会让我们,越爱越像陌生人。
20. 那些一起做过的曾经,图留我一个人厮守。
21. 口是心非的人在夜里总是翻来复去的。
22. 谢谢你们的矫情娱乐了我。
23. 我将一切回忆掩埋,只想拥有一个美好的未来
24. 恋爱是艰苦的,不能期待它象美梦一样
25. 或许因为太年轻,都还不懂什么事珍惜
26. 我可以选择,爱或不爱你,而你却只能选择爱或更爱我。
27. 没有解药,我无法抗拒你独特的讯号。
28. 你若不惜,我亦不爱。
29. 一个男人愿意给女人多少时间,就是他有多爱你。
30. 不是每段感情都有始有终,不是每个男人对女人都情有独钟
31. 失去过,所以懂得珍惜
32. 你可以当我童言无忌,我却不能忍受你的满口胡言。
33. 因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤
34. 我的出生注定是悲伤酿成的。
35. 不做浪漫的事不说煽情的花布装抚媚的表情,亦不去想你喜不喜欢这样的我。
36. 我时常怀念,那些快乐得日子,然后泪流满面。