
历史 名山 Historic mountains


梵净山是西南一座具有2000多年 历史 的文化名山,早在 春秋战国 时期,梵净山就属楚国“黔中地“,秦朝属“黔中郡”, 汉代 属“ 武陵郡 ”,以后一直是“武陵蛮”崇拜的 神山 、 圣山 。


Fanjing Mountain is a famous cultural mountain with a history of more than 2,000 years in the southwest. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, Fanjing Mountain belonged to the "Guizhong Prefecture" of the Chu Kingdom, the "Qianzhong Prefecture" in the Qin Dynasty, and the "Wuling Prefecture" in the Han Dynasty. It has always been the sacred mountain and sacred mountain worshipped by the "Wuling Man".

For thousands of years, this famous mountain has impressed countless literati and left countless hymns.

佛教名山 Buddhist mountains


Fanjing Mountain is a famous Buddhist mountain for thousands of years in the southwest. In the Song Dynasty, Buddhism was officially introduced to Fanjing Mountain. In the years that followed, Fanjing Mountain gradually developed. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, Guizhou Governor Guo Zizhang wrote "The Record of Qian", which stated that Fanjing Mountain said: "Guizhou Mountain takes Fanjing Mountain as the first, comparable to the rooftop."

旅游 小记

去年去梵净山 旅游 ,一进景区便见”万米卧佛“,我不禁叹服于大自然的鬼斧神工。我没有选择坐索道上山,而是选择了徒步。刚开始,我行走在林间小路,雾气朦胧,偶遇山中小瀑,身上被溅上了泉水,清凉无比。转瞬,在山壁栈道上,浓雾散去,阳光洒下,又顿感温暖。经过五个小时的漫长爬行,到达山顶。便可见红云金顶,红云金顶山峰拔地而起,垂直高差达百米。上半部分一分为二,由天桥 链接 ,两边各建一庙,一边供奉释迦佛,一边供奉 弥勒 佛。由此印证现代佛(释迦牟尼)向未来佛(弥勒佛)的交替。晨间红云瑞气常绕四周。

I went to Fanjing Mountain last year and saw the "10,000-meter Reclining Buddha" as soon as I entered the scenic spot. I couldn't help but admire the magical craftsmanship of nature. , The mist was hazy, and when I encountered a small waterfall in the mountain, I was splashed with spring water and it was very cool. In an instant, on the mountain wall plank road, the dense fog dissipated, and the sun was shining, and it felt warm again. After several hours of long crawling, the upper part is pided into two, connected by a sky bridge, and a temple is built on each side. One side is dedicated to the Sakyamuni Buddha, and the other is to quickly confirm the modern Buddha (Sakyamuni) to the future Buddha (Maitreya). Buddha). The air often goes around.

