
司直巡官司无绪移到玫瑰花——唐 徐 夤 芳菲移自越一台,最以蔷薇好并栽。 稼艳尽怜胜彩绘,嘉名谁赠作玫瑰。 春成锦绣吹折同,天染琼瑶日照开。 为报朱衣早邀客,莫教零落委苍苔 。 玫------宋·杨万里 非关月季姓名同, 不与蔷薇谱蝶通。 接叶连枝千万绿, 一花两色浅深红。 风流各自胭脂格, 雨容何私造化工。 别有国香收不得。 诗人薰入水沉中。 玫  瑰------唐·唐彦谦 麝炷腾清燎, 鲛纱复绿蒙。 官妆临晓日, 锦段落东风。 无力春烟里, 多愁暮雨中, 不知何事意, 深浅两般红。               奉和李舍人昆季咏玫瑰花寄赠徐侍郎------唐·卢纶 独鹤寄霜烟, 双鸾思晚芳。 旧阴依谢宅, 新艳出萧墙。 蝶散摇轻露, 莺衔入夕阳。 雨朝胜濯锦, 风夜剧焚香。 断日千层艳, 孤霞一片光。 密来惊叶少, 动处觉枝长。 布影期高赏, 留春为远方。 尝闻赠琼玖, 叨和愧升堂。 1. My Pretty Rose Tree by William Blake A flower was offered to me; Such a flower as May never bore. But I said I've a Pretty Rose-tree. And I passed the sweet flower o'er. Then I went to my Pretty Rose-tree: To tend her by day and by night. But my Rose turned away with jealousy: And her thorns were my only delight. 2. When the Rose is Faded by Walter de la Mare When the rose is faded, Memory may still dwell on Her beauty shadowed, And the sweet *** ell gone. That vanishing loveliness, That burdening breath, No bond of life hath then, Nor grief of death. 'Tis the immortal thought Whose passion still Makes the changing The unchangeable. Oh, thus thy beauty, Loveliest on earth to me, Dark with no sorrow, shines And burns, with thee. 3. A Little Budding Rose by Emily Bronte It was a little budding rose, Round like a fairy globe, And shyly did its leaves unclose Hid in their mossy robe, But sweet was the slight and spicy *** ell It breathed from its heart invisible. The rose is blasted, withered, blighted, Its root has felt a worm, And like a heart beloved and slighted, Failed, faded, shrunk its form. Bud of beauty, bonnie flower, I stole thee from thy natal bower. I was the worm that withered thee, Thy tears of dew all fell for me; Leaf and stalk and rose are gone, Exile earth they died upon. Yes, that last breath of balmy scent With alien breezes sadly blent! 4. The Grave and The Rose by Victor Hugo The Grave said to the Rose, "What of the dews of dawn, Love's flower, what end is theirs?" "And what of spirits flown, The souls whereon doth close The tomb's mouth unawares?" The Rose said to the Grave. The Rose said, "In the shade From the dawn's tears is made A perfume faint and strange, Amber and honey sweet." "And all the spirits fleet Do suffer a sky-change, More strangely than the dew, To God's own angels new," The Grave said to the Rose.