The wolf and the sheep(狼和小羊)(M: Mommy sheep L: Little lamb W: Wolf)场景道具:房屋居室的一角,周围背景是几棵树、一些花草等。M:(手挎篮子,挥手告别)See you, baby!L: (挥手告别)See you, mommy!(说完小心翼翼地关上门)W:(张牙舞爪地)Ha ha—(迫不及待大声喊道)Open the door. Open the door .I am your mommy.L:(瞧门洞)Where is your eye?W:Here it is! L: Where is your ear?W: Here it is! L: Where is your mouth?W: Here it is! L: Where is your nose?W: Here it is! L: No, you are not mommy. Go away! Go away!W((狼气急败坏地来回踱步想方法,戴上羊妈妈的头巾和面具,口气装温柔): Open the door. Open the door .I am your mommy. Look at me. This is my head. This is my eye. This is my ear. This is my face. This is my nose. This is my mouth.L:(打开门)Mommy!Mommy!W:Ha, ha…… I’m not your mommy! I’ll eat you!L:(急中生智拿棍子驱赶)Beat! Beat! Beat! Year! (狼疼地“嗷”叫着抱头夺慌而逃)