

The garden was basking under the late Autumn sun for the whole morning and then the afternoon, just like a ripened fruit falling, falling, and emitting strong aroma. Intermittently, Changan heard a melody of harmonica, stolidly playing the tune ‘Long, long ago’---“Tell me that story, my favorite old story; long, long ago……”. This was the present, but it would transform into long ago in a trice, and then it’s all over. Mesmerized, Changan went looking for the harmonica player----or rather herself. Against the sun she walked, and reached beneath a tree, she saw a boy in yellow shorts shimmying on a branch and playing a harmonica; but he was playing another tune which she had never heard before. The tree was not very big, the sparsely phoenix leaves were swinging under the sun like golden bells. Changan was looking face-up, her eyes hazed over and like a torrential rain, tears were covering all over her face.

2,夜深闻私语,月落如金盆。现在我寄住在旧梦里,在旧梦里做着新的梦。 写到这里,背上吹的风有点冷了,定去关上玻璃门,阳台上看见毛毛的黄月亮。 古代的夜里有更鼓,现在有卖馄饨的梆子,千年来无数人的梦的拍板:“托,托, 托,托”——可爱又可哀的年月呵!

Deep into the night I heard the merest whispering, the moon sank into the water and appeared like a golden basin. Now I am dwelling in my old dream while breeding a new one. Reaching here, I felt the cold breeze creeping on my back; so I went to close the glass doors, and from the balcony, I could see the hazy golden moon. In the old days you could hear the gong announcing the hours in the night, nowadays there were the wooden clappers of the wonton hawkers; for thousands of years, these were the dream clappers of countless people: ‘tuck, tuck, tuck tuck’----Oh, what lovely and miserable years! (如果强调文采,可以用 Oh, what lovely and melancholy years! )

3,昨天到叔惠家里去了一趟,我也知道叔惠不会在家的,我就是想去看看他的父亲母亲, 因为你一直跟他们住在一起的,我很希望他们会讲起你。叔惠的母亲说了好些关于你的事 情,都是我不知道的。她说你从前比现在还要瘦,又说起你在学校里时候的一些琐事。我听 她说着这些话,我真觉得非常安慰,因为--你走开太久了我就有点恐惧起来了,无缘无故 的。世钧!我要你知道,这世界上有一个人是永远等着你的,不管是在什么时候,不管你是 在什么地方,反正你知道,总有这样一个人。世钧看到最后几句,就好像她正对着他说话似的。隔着那悠悠岁月,还可以听见她的声 音。他想着:"她难道还在那里等着我吗?"

3. “I went to Shuhui’s house yesterday with the full knowledge that he wouldn’t be home, because I just wanted to see his parents; since you had been staying with them, I hoped that they would talk about you. Shuhui’s mother had related a lot of things about you that were unknown to me. She had said that you were thinner before and she also recollected some trifles while you were in school. Listening to her words was an immense consolation to me, because. ..you have been away for too long and I have started to feel scared with no reasons at all. I want you to know, Shijun, there is a person in this world who will wait for you forever, irrespective of where and when, somehow you know there is this person.” Reading the last few lines, Shijun felt that as if she was having a conversation with him, he could still hear her voice with those long, long years apart. He asked himself, “Can she still be waiting for me there”?

注:第二段我还是给您翻译了,因为它很有挑战性!!另外,在这用ripen 还是比较恰当的。但我忘了加 ed, 将动词变为形容词。