

予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 --周敦颐 爱莲说 在水中和地面上草本植物和木本开出的花,值得喜爱的很多。晋朝的陶渊明唯独喜欢菊花。自唐朝以来,人们非常喜欢牡丹。我却唯独喜爱莲——莲从淤泥里生长出来,却不受泥的沾染;在清水中洗涤过,而不显得妖媚;(它的茎)内空外直,不生枝蔓,不长枝节;香气远飘,更显得清芬;它笔直地洁净地立在水中,(只)可以从远处观赏,却不能贴近去玩弄啊。 我认为,菊是花中的隐士,牡丹是花中的富贵者,莲是花中的君子。唉!对于菊花的喜爱,陶渊明以后很少听到了。对于莲的喜爱,像我一样的还有什么人呢?对于牡丹的喜爱,人应该是很多了。 There are too many lovely flowers in the world.

Tao Yuanming in Jin Dynasty loved chrysanthemum only.

People have been interested in peony since Tang Dynasty.

But I do like lotus that is clean even growing in the muddy pond.

It is so pure, delicate and bright.

The lotus is consistent, continuous and coherent deep inside.

It appears to be straight, proper and honest.

It gives a fantastically good smell and people could even sense its excellent smell far away.

It has no unnecessary branches.

It can be only appreciated distantly but not touched blasphemously.

I am convinced that the chrysanthemum is a recluse while the peony is a rich and the lotus is undoubtedly the sovereign.

We seldom find someone loves chrysanthemum like Tao.

Who show the enthusiasm in the lotus in the same way as I do?

Then who likes peony? Almost everybody! 怎么解释都可以了……