狐狸与乌鸦 一只乌鸦叼着一块奶酪站在树梢。一只狐狸看到,便打那奶酪的主意。狐狸跑到树下向上喊,“我头上的鸟多高贵啊!她的美举世无双,她的毛色多精美。如果她的歌喉象她的外貌一样美,那她当之无愧就是百鸟之王。”乌鸦很得意,便想显一下她的歌喉,使劲地“嘎”的叫了一声。无疑,奶酪掉了下来,狐狸一把抓住,说:“看来您的歌喉很美,您缺的是智慧!”
寓义:小心阿谀奉承者。英文:The FOX and the CROW The crow with a piece of cheese station in the trees. A fox saw, then made the cheese. The fox ran to the tree to shout, " I head a bird more noble! Her beauty have no equal in this world, her hair color beautifully. If her voice is as beautiful as her appearance, she fully deserve is the king of birds. " The crow was very proud, he wanted to show her voice, trying to " quack " let out a cry. Undoubtedly, the cheese fell down, the fox grabbed, said : "it seems that your voice is very beautiful, you lack wisdom! "
Meaning: careful curry favour with people.