关於猫的诗 英语(4句)

The cat that walked by himself

by Rudyard Kipling

Pussy can sit by the fire and sing,

Pussy can climb a tree,

Or play with a silly old cork and string

To 'muse herself, not me.

But I like Binkie my dog, because

He knows how to behave;

So, Binkie's the same as the First Friend was,

And I am the Man in the Cave!

Pussy will play man-Friday till

It's time to wet her paw

And make her walk on the window-sill

(For the footprint Crusoe saw);

Then she fluffles her tail and mews,

And scratches and won't attend.

But Binkie will play whatever I choose,

And he is my true First Friend!

Pussy will rub my knees with her head

Pretending she loves me hard;

But the very minute I go to my bed

Pussy runs out in the yard,

And there she stays till the morning-light;

So I know it is only pretend;

But Binkie, he snores at my feet all night,

And he is my Firstest Friend!

小编点评怎么样,是不是被诗里的猫咪和狗狗萌到了呢?猫咪Pussy总是自顾自地玩耍,还会假装讨好主人,主人可不上当,他知道Pussy只是为了她自己高兴!相比之下,小狗Binkie就乖顺多了,他总是知道该怎么做,总是听主人的话,在主人睡着时整夜守在旁边……Rudyard Kipling说他更喜欢Binkie,你的意见呢?

Rudyard Kipling(1865~1936,中文译名:拉迪亚德·吉卜林)是英国小说家、诗人,出生于印度孟买。他早年的诗集《机关打油诗》、短篇小说集《山的故事》《三个士兵》等风格清新自然,生动展现了印度的风土人情,曾使当时英国读者耳目一新。后来的动物故事《丛林之书》、长篇小说《基姆》更给他赢来世界声誉。马克·吐温曾盛赞吉卜林的作品:“我了解吉卜林的书……它们对于我从来不会变得苍白,它们保持着缤纷的色彩;它们永远是新鲜的。”由于“观察的能力、新颖的想象、雄浑的思想和杰出的叙事才能”,他于1907年获得诺贝尔文学奖,成为英国第一位获此奖的作家。

The cat that walked by himself 本是英国一个童话故事的名字