第一首The LilyI am Lily white and newbringing Spring as I rise anew.Dressed in Easter morning dewI speak of hope;I rejoice in You.I am Lily fresh and newsinging of Spring as I rise anew.For this sweet season of rebirth bringsA bright new life to all living things.来源:/poetry/lilypoem.htm第二首Lily( by Dhaval )Some roads in life seem bright and straightbut don`t they all circumnavigatepaths that promise delight and mirthsometimes you overrate their worthfluffy clouds deceive and raina lily`s pink wings so cruelly slainjust by the touch of a callous handthat hurts (and you know I understand)don`t see this world as cruel, thoughfor all your grief shall flee tomorrowunder clouds of gray and tears of woehave faith, your petals shall re-growyour smile brightens up the soft lightit strikes your face and sparkles brightand with those glimmers, God even studthe pink lily`s life with a special budpeople shall come and people shall gobut this bud will always, beside you growif the nights are cold and you feel colderI`ll light a fire and be your shouldersometimes the rain will veil the sunbut we know getting wet is buckets of funI`ll be right there, if you ever feel blueto listen to you moan `all because of you.`I know you`re sad now, it`s a steep climbtoo many problems and too little timeamid the devil and the deep blue seabut don`t lose sleep, you`ll soon be freejust beam that smile like you always dobefore you know it, we`ll make it throughyour walled gardens fear the invading seabut this lily will bloom。
leave that to me.来源:/poems.php?id=738597。
2.想找一些关于百合的英文诗生查子 晁补之 永日向人妍,百合忘忧草。
却挂小帘钩,一缕炉烟袅。 北窗偶题 陆游 尔丛香百合,一架粉长春。
堪笑龟堂老,欢然不记贫。 窗前作小土山蓺兰及玉簪最后得香百合并种之 陆游 方兰移取遍中林,余地何妨种玉簪。
更乞两丛香百合,老翁七十尚童心。 龟堂杂兴 陆游 方石斛栽香百合,小盆山养水黄杨。
老翁不是童儿态,无奈庵中白日长! 七夕诗 何逊 仙车驻七襄。 凤驾出天潢。
月映九微火。 风吹百合香。
来欢暂巧笑。 还泪已沾裳。
依稀如洛汭。 倐忽似高唐。
别离未得语。 河汉渐汤汤。
百合 接叶有多种,开花无异色。 含露或低垂,从风时偃仰。
-- 萧察 此首诗为后梁宣帝之第三子萧察描写百合花的作品,作者以清词丽句,素描淡抹,描摹了一帧诗意浓厚的百合图。全诗四句,首两句由叶至花,后两句由花到姿,描绘出百合花的叶子,花容清新、自然的感觉,具诱人之姿,如同在我们眼前展现百合花的真趣和神髓。
结局现当代-席慕容 当春天再来的时候 遗忘了的野百合花 仍然会在同一个山谷里生长 在羊齿的浓荫处 仍然会有昔日的謦香 可是 没有人 没有人会记得我们 和我们曾有过的欢乐和悲伤 而时光越去越远 终于 只剩下几首佚名的诗和 一抹 淡淡的 斜阳 山百合现当代-席慕容 与人无争 静静地开放 一朵芬芳的山百合 静静地开放在我的心里 没有人知道它的存在 它的洁白 只有我的流浪者 在孤独的路途上 时时微笑地想起它来 百合花英国-威廉·布莱克 腼腆的玫瑰花刺儿多得很, 温驯的羊儿常拿角来吓人; 百合花却一味在爱情里陶醉, 没有刺也没有角损坏她的美。 “学染淡黄萱草色,几枝带露立风斜。
花似鹿葱还耐久,叶如芍药不多深。” 百合 接叶有多种,开花无异色。
含露或低垂,从风时偃仰。 学染淡黄萱草色, 几枝带露立风斜。
自怜人世多难合, 未称庭前种此花。 荷春光之余照, 托阳山之峻趾。
比蓂荚之能连, 引芝芳而自拟。 堂前种山丹,错落玛瑙盘。
芳兰移取遍中林, 余地何妨种玉簪。 更乞两丛香百合, 老翁七十尚童心。
吾庐适新成,西有数畦地。 乘秋种山丹,得雨生可喜。
山丹非佳花,老圃有深意。 宿根已得土,绝品皆可寄。
明年春阳升,盈尺烂如绮。 筑室力已尽,种花功尚疏。
山丹得春雨,艳色照庭除。 末品何曾数,群芳自不如。
春去无芳可得寻, 山丹最晚出幽林。 花似鹿葱还耐久, 叶如芍药不多深。
当春天再来的时候 遗忘了的野百合花 仍然会在同一个山谷里生长 在羊齿的浓荫处 仍然会有昔日的謦香 可是 没有人 没有人会记得我们 和我们曾有过的欢乐和悲伤 而时光越去越远 终于 只剩下几首佚名的诗和 一抹 淡淡的 斜阳 与人无争 静静地开放 一朵芬芳的山百合 静静地开放在我的心里 没有人知道它的存在 它的洁白 只有我的流浪者 在孤独的路途上 时时微笑地想起它来 腼腆的玫瑰花刺儿多得很, 温驯的羊儿常拿角来吓人; 百合花却一味在爱情里陶醉, 没有刺也没有角损坏她的美。
3.关于花的英语句子Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)
Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你写字台上的那些红玫瑰采之我心的花园。)
Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.
The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.
common name for the Liliaceae, a plant family numbering several thousand species of as many as 300 genera, widely distributed over the earth and particularly abundant in warm temperate and tropical regions. Most species are perennial herbs characterized by bulbs (or other forms of enlarged underground stem) from which grow erect clusters of narrow, grasslike leaves or leafy stems. A few are woody and some are small trees.
Evolutionally, the lily family is probably the basic monocotyledonous stock, its ancestors having given rise to the majority of contemporary monocots, e.g., the orchids, the palms, the iris and amaryllis families, and possibly also the grasses. The relationships between plants of the modern lily family are not always clear, and some botanists subdivide the Liliaceae into several families or, if they take a broader view of the family, include some groups such as the Agave and Amaryllis families.
6.关于介绍百合的英文文章50字左右,初三程度,简单一点植物学上:Lilies are leafy stemmed herbs。
They form naked or tunic-less scaly underground bulbs from which they overwinter。 In some North American species the base of the bulb develops into rhizomes, on which numerous small bulbs are found。
Some species develop stolons。 A few species form near the soil surface。
Many species form stem-roots。 With these, the bulb grows naturally at some depth in the soil, and each year the new stem puts out adventitious roots above the bulb as it emerges from the soil。
These roots are in addition to the basal roots that develop at the base of the bulb。Most species are deciduous, but a few species (Lilium candidum, Lilium catesbaei) bear a basal rosette of leaves during dormancy。
Seeds ripen in late summer。 They exhibit varying and sometimes complex germination patterns, many adapted to cool temperate climates。
The large flowers have six tepals, are often fragrant, and come in a range of colours ranging through whites, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds and purples。 Markings include spots, brush strokes and picotees。
The plants are summer flowering。Some species formerly included within this genus have now been placed in other genera。
These include Cardiocrinum, Notholirion, Nomocharis and some Fritillaria。百合花素有“云裳仙子”之称。
由于其外表高雅纯洁,天主教以百合花为玛利亚的象征,而梵蒂冈、法国以百合花为国花。 百合的鳞茎由鳞片抱合而成,又“百年好合”“百事合意”之意,中国人自古视为婚礼必不可少的吉祥花卉。
我翻译的: 答案补充 Thanks to its elegant and pure appearance , the Catholic Church regard lily as a symbol of Saint Mary。 What's more, people in Vatican and France consider lily as their national flower。
In China, we think lily symbolizes the “everlasting love”, because of its unusual structure--its bulb scales have jointly formed。 So, Chinese people utilize lily as an essential and auspicious decoration on the weddings since ancient times。
答案补充 Lily is mainly used to be watched, especially those various lily exported in the Netherlands and Japan。 But lily's bulb is rich in starch, so it is edible and sometimes even has medical effects as well。